Protists’ diversity and importance

Inspired by a review by F. Burki, M.M. Sandin & M. Jamy (2021) from Uppsala University


In the history of life on Earth, bacteria were the first living organisms to appear. From them evolved archaea and from archaea evolved eukaryotes. Bacteria and archaea are unicellular organisms with a very simple cell structure, they are called Prokaryotes. Eukaryotes have more complexe cell structures. More on this here.

The first eukaryotes that appeared billions of years ago were protists. They evolved in many forms and functions before eventually evolve into multicellular eukaryotes, i.e. animals, plants and fungi. Diversification happens over time as a consequence of adaptations to the changing environments (among others). Protists existed for much longer than multicellular organisms, and therefore had more time to develop an incredible diversity.

The length of the lines is proportional to the time (in millions of years) it took for the group of organisms to evolve into a different group from a common ancestor. Animals, plants and fungi are the organisms that evolved last in the branch of eukaryotes.
Image from wikimedia commons.


Increasingly studied, protists have been shown to be crucial for the functioning of all ecosystems on Earth. As food for many organisms, they are essential for many food chains. Since many of them are photosynthetic, they participate to capture atmospheric carbon dioxyde releasing oxygen in exchange. Being part of the decomposer community many of them participate to the process of breaking down dead organic matter and wastes, releasing nutrients for other creatures to take up. Considering that despite their small size, by their sheer number they build up twice the biomass (e.g. volume of living organic matter) of animals worldwide, their importance is indisputable. 

Discovery and analyses

Scientists have studied and described protists since being discovered a few centuries ago. Observing them through the lens of a microscope, taxonomists used their morphology to determine the similarity and differences among species. This technique allowed to capture only the organisms that are easy to collect and to see.

Things started to change a few decades ago, when DNA sequencing techniques were developed. DNA was first discovered in 1869 by a Swiss scientist called Friedrich Miescher., although he did not know what its fonction was. In the 1950′, the combined studies of Avery, MacLeod, and McCarty; Hershey and Chase; and later Franklin, Wilkinson, Crick and Watson, showed the structure and hereditary function of DNA.

In the 1980′ the first technologies necessary to read the genetic information contained in DNA were developed. At first they were able to compare DNA and detect which and if certain segments of chromosomes were shared among species or not. Eventually new techniques allowed to read the actual DNA sequences. At the beginning the DNA had to be extracted from a sample of an organism, and the sequences had to be read one nucleotide at a time. Nucleotides are the molecules that make up DNA, much like letters make up books in an encyclopaedia. Human DNA contains approximately 3.2 billion of nucleotides.

In the last 20 years new technology allowed to automatically read short sequences of DNA, instead of one nucleotide at a time. Finally, in the last years the newest technology is able not only to sequence longer sequences of DNA, but also to analyse DNA that is not specifically extracted from the sample of a determined organism. 

Scientist working at the microscope, illustration from The hidden world of diatoms

Where are we now

Until very recently, scientists had to take a sample from a known organism, extract its DNA and analyse it. Nowadays it is possible to extract all the DNA contained in a sample of water or soil, and sequence it. The huge difference is in that analysing DNA from a sample of known origin once again limits the research to organisms that are already known. That is not a problem concerning most animals, plants and fungi. But for microorganisms, that meant that the only species that could be studied were the ones we already knew existed.

Analysing total DNA from environmental samples, water or soil, and comparing the sequences found to a database containing all the sequences belonging to known species, scientists estimate that possibly more than 99% of all the microbes are unknown. Since we already know tens of thousand of them, the total diversity, i.e. the number of different species of microorganisms on Earth could be in the trillions.

Scientists keep working hard to discover them and find out how they relate, how and why they evolved, where they live. This huge diversity of organisms is essential for the functioning of ecosystems as we know them. What’s more, they could contain important answers such as cures for current or future diseases, or solution towards clean energy production.


Plankton defines a group of free floating-organisms, living in the open waters in the ocean. They are unable to move actively and are subject to the flow and waves of the water. Some are teeny tiny animals or algae (i.e. multicellular),  but most of them are protists, bacteria or archaea (unicellular). (See here for more on cells, bacteria vs. protists vs. archaea, and unicellular vs. multicellular).


Some of the protists of the plankton get their food through photosynthesis. Together with cyanobacteria (a group of photosynthesising bacteria) they are called phytoplankton. The other protists and animals are part of the zooplancton. Phytoplankton, much like terrestrial plants, need sunlight to process carbon dioxyde (CO2) and transform it into sugar and oxygen. The sugar is used by the organism for the energy they need to live and grow, while the oxygen is released in the water and in the atmosphere. Because they depend on light, phytoplankton is found only in the top 100m of water near the surface.

Photosynthesis is the process of transformation of carbon dioxyde into sugar using energy from the sunlight and releasing oxygen in the atmosphere

The importance of phytoplankton

Protists and cyanobacteria are unicellular organisms, and therefore very small. It has been estimated that all together phytoplankton makes up for less than 1% of the volume of terrestrial plants. One could easily think that their importance in the grand scheme of things is therefore insignificant, but in the last 20 years, since the development of high-throughput sequencing (a technology that allows the analyses of DNA extracted directly from the water or soil or any other source of biological material), it has been shown that the biodiversity of bacteria and protists in the oceans is to count in the hundred of thousands. (See here for more on Biodiversity). Moreover, it has been estimated despite their small size, all together they produce up to half of the oxygen in the atmosphere. I think that that makes them crucially indispensable.


The importance of plankton is not limited to the oxygen production by the phytoplankton, they are also at the base of the ocean food-web. Phytoplankton is eaten by zooplankton. Zooplankton and phytoplankton are both eaten by bigger organisms, such as krill. Krill is eaten by even bigger animals, such as squids and penguins. And somewhere in between this web there are all the species of fish that make up the fish industries. Once again, phytoplankton is crucial to the survival of many organisms, including humans.

Ocean food web with diatoms as ex. of phytoplankton (original illustration from The hidden world of diatoms)

Climate change

Because of its importance in the ocean food-web and in the cycle of carbon dioxyde, oxygen, and other nutrients, phytoplankton has increasingly taken central place in studies concerned with the consequences of climate change. The frequency of episodes of toxic blooms, i.e. sudden and unusually big growth in populations of some algae or phytoplankton that temporarily decrease the oxygen level in the water, or even produce toxins that negatively affect populations of other organisms is increasing. The acidity of the water is increasing as a consequence of the higher concentration of carbon dioxyde in the atmosphere . This could lead to a significant change of the phytoplankton that feeds all of the ocean food-web, including humans. The decline of biodiversity that we are experiencing is going to have huge and mostly unknown consequences on the life as we know it today. It is of paramount importance to understand and protect the phytoplankton and their beautiful and magical ecosystem, the ocean.

Pörtner, Hans O., and Anthony P. Farrell. Physiology and Climate Change (2008). Science 322 (5902): 690–92. doi: 10.1126/science.1163156.

Scherner F, Pereira CM, Duarte G, et al. Effects of Ocean Acidification and Temperature Increases on the Photosynthesis of Tropical Reef Calcified Macroalgae. (2016). PLoS One 11(5): e0154844. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0154844.

Zoe V. Finkel, John Beardall, Kevin J. Flynn, Antonietta Quigg, T. Alwyn V. Rees, John A. Raven, Phytoplankton in a changing world: cell size and elemental stoichiometry (2010). Journal of Plankton Research 32 (1): 119–137. doi: 10.1093/plankt/fbp098.

L’autre poumon de la planète

Depuis longtemps la forêt tropicale amazonienne a reçu le surnom de poumon vert de la planète et est devenue symbole de la lutte contre la destruction de l’environnement. L’énorme biomasse (volume) de ses arbres et la biodiversité (nombre d’espèces) présentes par hectare de forêt sont en effet très impressionnants et sans aucun doute méritent d’être étudiés et préservé. Mais un autre écosystème s’est révélé être autant sinon plus important pour le fonctionnement du monde tel qu’on le connait. Ce sont les océans. Les mers et océans ne sont pas juste un grand bassin d’eau, au contraire elles sont des écosystèmes qui ont un impact cruciale sur toute créature vivante. Une de ses fonctions essentielles à la vie sur Terre est de maintenir l’environnement nécessaire à la survie des diatomées.

Diatomées (Illustration tirée de Le monde secret des diatomées)

Les diatomées sont des protistes. Le groupe des protistes inclut tous les êtres vivants qui sont faits d’une seule cellule mais qui ne sont pas des bactéries. La plupart des protistes, du fait qu’il ne sont faits que d’une cellule, sont très petits. Les protistes qui vivent dans l’eau, en particulier ceux qui se trouvent dans la mer et qui flottent dans l’eau sans lien ou destination apparente, font partie du plancton. C’est un terme qui provient du grec ancien et qui signifie les promeneurs. Dans le plancton, il y a des créatures très différentes entre elles, dont certaines partagent la capacité de se nourrir en utilisant le processus appelé la photosynthèse. C’est le phytoplancton. En effet en grec ancien “phyto” signifie plante. Tout comme les plantes terrestres, donc les arbres, l’herbe, les fleurs, les mousses, etc., et les algues, certains protistes font la photosynthèse, c’est-à-dire qu’ils utilisent l’énergie de la lumière du soleil pour produire des nutriments à partir du dioxyde de carbone qu’ils extraient de l’air (ou l’eau). Le processus de photosynthèse se termine par de l’oxygène qui est ensuite relâché dans l’environnement, soit l’air, soit l’eau.

La photosynthèse (Illustration tirée de Le monde secret des diatomées)

Les diatomées sont donc des protistes qui font la photosynthèse , en relâchant de l’oxygène dans l’eau, et elles en font beaucoup. En effet, il y a tellement de diatomées dans les océans que toutes ensemble, elles produisent plus d’un cinquième de tout l’oxygène qu’il y a dans l’atmosphère. Si on y rajoute le reste du phytoplancton, l’oxygène produit dans la mer et les océan correspond à 50% de tout l’oxygène de l’air, ce qui rend les océans au moins aussi important que la forêt amazonienne en terme de consommation de dioxyde de carbone et production d’oxygène atmosphérique. Une autre bonne raison de protéger nos océans.

The world might be, it turns out, too complicated for us to know.

-Helen Macdonald-

The human need to classify and sort things into categories is a natural behaviour that develops in early childhood. The capacity to recognise similarity or differences between objects is indeed a necessary step of our development. As soon as the toddler is capable of recognising likenesses in the observed objects, she will start to sort them into groups of colour, size, shape, etc.. 

Why do we classify things

Sorting things out is a natural behaviour that helps children understand how the world around them works and eventually builds the person’s capacity of seeing patterns, analyse objects and solve problems. Some studies have shown that the tendency to classify is innate, meaning that it develops independently, without the need of being taught. For example the part of the brain that is responsible for picturing images in our mind is able to differentiate between a living thing and an inanimate one without learning. Indeed it has been found that the exact same difference is present in people that are born blind have therefore never seen the visual difference between a living organism and an object. It means that the brain is pre-programmed to sort objects into two categories, the living ones, which are potentially dangerous, and the inanimate, which are usually not.


From the most ancients civilisations onwards, people have always separated things into categories. The first classification of the livings is believed to be the one created by Aristotle, the greek philosopher from the 4th century BCE. He classified living organisms in different categories depending on certain traits putting them in a hierarchy from the most complex (e.g. humans, or at least men, as he believed women to be inferior) to the most simple organisms. And he already used a binomial system, although not in the same way as we do currently.

Modern classification

More than 2’000 years later, in 1753, the Swedish botanist Carl Linnaeus created the modern classification system. Not only that, he also spent long time in the field collecting samples, describing and classifying more than 12’000 species of animals and plants. Linnaeus’ system was based on seven hierarchical levels named kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species. The more two species are similar, the more levels they have in common. So two almost identical species will share the same kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, and genus and differ only by the species name. All species are named using the binomial system consisting in the genus name first followed by the species name. Both genus and species are written in italics, with the genus starting with a capital letter, like in the pictures below that show three different species of testate amoebae belonging to the same genus (pictures downloaded with permission from Microworld, world of amoeboid organisms.

Difflugia binucleata
Difflugia urceolata
Difflugia capreolata

Is modern classification obsolete?

Linnaeus in his classification separated all organisms into two kingdoms: animals and plants.

Animals Plants

About a century later, in 1866 the German biologist Ernst Haeckel proposed the addition of a third kingdom called protista for unicellular organisms (in other words microorganisms).

Animals Plants Protista

Later on he recognised that structural difference between microorganisms procaryotes (bacteria) and eukaryotes (all other organisms) and suggested to put bacteria in a fourth kingdom called Monera.

Animals Plants Bacteria Monera

Another century later, in 1969, Robert Whittaker proposed another addition to give fungi their own kingdom.

Animals Plants Bacteria Monera Fungi

Lastly, a subcategory of bacteria that used to be called archaeobacteria, was promoted to kingdom with the name of Archaea. Archaea are prokaryotes like bacteria, but also have proteins and functions in their cells that are similar to eukaryotes.

Animals Plants Eubacteria Archaea Protista Fungi

The more you know, the less you know?

At that point we though we had it sorted. We had the 6 kingdoms of animals, plants, fungi, protists, eubacteria and archaea, in which we could classify all the organisms known, based on phylogenetic trees, which are analyses that calculate the distance among species based on traits similarities.

But then came high through-put DNA sequencing. DNA sequencing technology allowed more and more efficiently to read and compare the genetic code of different species. With each new study, it became evident that things are so much more complicated than we believed in the past. Studies of DNA sequences showed for example that many species thought different were actually just different expression of the same species, or that many populations thought to belong to the same species were actually different species. This kind of evidence started to introduce doubt in the accuracy of the classical classification system.

What are species

The definition of species used to be that two organisms are members of the same species if they can reproduce and produce a viable offspring. But molecular biology has proved that the classical definition of a species is not enough to classify the different types of organisms. It became commonly accepted that two individuals belong to the same species if they share more than 99% similarity in DNA sequences. As a comparison, humans share more than 98% of DNA with chimpanzee and bonobos.

Image from The hidden world of testate amoebae book (©Emanuela Samaritani)

But again these rules do not apply as smoothly as we would like to microorganisms. Everyday new species are discovered and each new species has the potential of shifting other species in a different category by introducing new genetic diversity in the group. Even the classification of macroscopic organisms such as plants is becoming less neat than we thought. For example, recent studies have shown that some species of plants can transfer DNA from one individual to another without the classical sexual reproduction, by lateral gene transfer, meaning that the DNA is transmitted by one adult individual to another, rather than by one or two parents to the next generation. There are some theories on how that might happen, but none has been proved yet.

At the moment there are more than 20 different concepts of species, which can bring some confusion when trying to estimate biodiversity or set conservation goals. And the tree of life is believed to look something like so:

Tree of life, from Hug, L., Baker, B., Anantharaman, K. et al. A new view of the tree of life. Nature Microbiology 1, 16048 (2016). doi: 10.1038/nmicrobiol.2016.48

With the former kingdom of Animals and Fungi now a subcategory of the Opisthokonta and plants a subcategory of the Archaeplastida (both at the bottom right of the tree, in green, in the image). Quite the downgrading from Aristotle’s classification that put humans at the top of them all.

Although it might seem overwhelming, I find it quite exciting the amount of life forms we still know nothing about and I cannot stress enough the need of protecting all of them at all cost.

Snow, the endless repetition of an ordinary miracle -Orhan Pamuk-

Where I live and where I come from, there has been a lot of snow blanketing the landscape in the last few days, and I love it. I love watching it coming down, sometimes slow and fluffy flakes, sometimes small ones furiously dancing in the wind. I love the crunchy noise it makes under the boots and general feeling of joy it brings to people.

What is snow

As we all know, snow is made of frozen water that crystallises in the atmosphere. In warmer condition, when temperature decreases in the atmosphere, water vapour in the clouds start to condensate into droplets of water. Eventually the droplets become big and heavy enough to start raining. If the temperature is cold enough, droplets of water might then freeze into fleet or slush.

To form snowflakes, water vapour needs to sublimate, which means that it needs to become solid without passing through the liquid phase. In order to sublimate, water vapour needs a solid substance on which to crystallise. This solid substance is called an ice-nucleus and it is usually a speck of dust, or pollen, or even a bacteria cell. Remember that, next time you are tempted to look up and let snowflakes fall directly into your open mouth.

Bacterial ice-nucleus

Prof. David Sands from the Montana State University, USA, discovered in 1982 that a particular type of bacteria called Pseudomonas syringae acts often as ice-nucleus1. Since then, other bacteria with the same capacity have been discovered2. But P. syringae has been studied in particular because it is also a major crop pathogen and as such has important economical impact. Studies have shown that this bacteria is present in all sorts of environments: on crops as well as in the natural environment3 , on plants as well as in rain, clouds and snow, and even at more than 3500m altitude at the Jungfraujoch, in the Swiss Alps4

Jungfraujoch is the saddle between the peaks of Mönch on the left and Jungfrau on the right. Photo credits: Einaz80 – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,

No two snowflakes are alike

It is said that there are no two snowflakes that are alike. Let’s try and understand why by considering some numbers. In a snowflakes there are approximately 10 quintillions of molecules of water. I had never heard of quintillions before,  but it means 1 billion of billions (1019). So in any snowflake we can expect to find 10 billions of billions of molecules of water.

The position of each molecule in the formation of the crystal influences the shape of the snowflake. Temperature and humidity in the environment as the snowflake is created also determine the type of crystal that each molecule forms. But temperature and humidity also change during the fall of the flake through the sky. By the time the snowflake has reached the ground, who knows how many times it has changed shape and dimensions. Considering all of the above, we can easily conclude that the probability of two snowflakes being the same is practically zero.

Prof. Libbrecht, from the California Institute of Technology, has spent many years studying and recreating snow crystals in the lab. He recreated environmental conditions necessary for the formation of snow using different combinations of humidity and temperature3 and the results are quite spectacular. Below is an example of pictures from his work that you can admire here.

Image from

The powers of Pseudomonas syringae

There is a big difference between the way that bacteria and a speck of dust or pollen make snow. It takes an atmospheric temperature of -37°C for water vapour to sublimate around dust or pollen. By contrast, this bacterium has the capacity of reducing the necessary temperature down to a few degrees below zero. This is due to a protein produced by P. syringae that modifies the configuration of the bacteria cell surface.

The properties of this protein have been used to create artificial snow. Indeed, ski resorts use it in snow cannons to produce artificial snow and improve the snow cover of their resort.

There are in average around a thousand bacteria cells in a cubic metre of air, depending on the altitude, latitude, season, environment, etc. but their survival is often limited by some atmospheric conditions, and in particular the exposure to UV radiation. P. syringae appear to be significantly more resistant to the effect of radiation6. This resistance could explain how they seem to be able to survive at surprisingly high altitudes and to travel all over the world. But it also opens up a lot of questions about P. syringae‘s possible role in the functioning of the weather and the cycle of water7 , especially in light of the changes in precipitation patterns and  frequency expected as a consequence of the climate change that we are starting to witness. 

A final thought

Pseudomonas syringae is certainly a problem for crops, but sometimes the impact of a species on the environment, even one so tiny as this bacteria, is much more complex than we could imagine. I’m beginning to believe that nothing in life happens without the implication of some microorganism or another, and we should put a break on the tragic biodiversity loss we are experiencing, before one apparently insignificant species disappearance might start a series of catastrophic events. From the words of Sir. David Attenbourough “The only way to save a rhinoceros is to save the environment in which it lives. Because there’s a mutual dependency between it and millions of other species.”


1 Sands DC, Langhans VE, Scharen AL, de Smet G . (1982). The association between bacteria and rain and possible resultant meteorological implications. Journal of the Hungarian Meteorological Service 86: 148–152.

2 Gurian‐Sherman, D., and S.E. Lindow (1993). Bacterial ice nucleation: significance and molecular basis. Journal of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology 14(7), 1338-1343. doi: 10.1096/fasebj.7.14.8224607.

3 Morris, C., Sands, D., Vinatzer, B. et al. (2008). The life history of the plant pathogen Pseudomonas syringae is linked to the water cycle. International Society Microbial Ecology Journal 2, 321–334. doi: 10.1038/ismej.2007.113.

4 Stopelli1, E., Conen, F., Guilbaud, C., Zopfi, J., Alewell, C., and C.E. MorrisStopelli (2017). Ice nucleators, bacterial cells and Pseudomonas syringae in precipitation at Jungfraujoch. Biogeosciences 14, 1189–1196, doi :10.5194/bg-14-1189-2017.


6 de Araujo, G.G., Rodrigues, F., Gonçalves, F.L.T. et al. (2019). Survival and ice nucleation activity of Pseudomonas syringae strains exposed to simulated high-altitude atmospheric conditions. Scientific Reports 9, 7768. doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-44283-3.

7 Morris, C. E., Conen, F., Huffman, J.A., Phillips, V., Pöschl, U., and D. C. Sands (2014). Bioprecipitation: A feedback cycle linking Earth history, ecosystem dynamics and land use through biological ice nucleators in the atmosphere. Global Change Biology 20, 341–351.


And into the forest I go, to lose my mind and find my soul

-John Muir-

Forest bathing

Personally I really like the sight of a gorgeous pristine raised bog, but there is nothing more relaxing than a walk in the woods, especially in times as stressful and uncertain as the actual pandemic. The need for a connection to nature to feel grounded is very common and its benefits have been known for a very long time. In fact, more than 2’500 years ago Cyrus the Great, founder of the first Persian empire, already knew it. He had a lush public garden built in the middle of the capital city, to help people to stay healthy and calm, in the mid of city life chaos1. Much more recently, in particular in Japan in the 1980s, there has been a scientific interest in explaining how being out in nature restores the mood, eases stress and brings a general feeling of peace2.

Since then, nature therapy, or ecotherapy, has been encouraged to help manage mental health, and in particular the practice of shinrin-yoku, which translates as forest bathing. Forest bathing consists in finding a spot in the woods and let the senses go. Explore the senses and let them guide you. The sight of a ray of sunshine through the bare trunks in winter, the smell of the soil and leaves in fall, all the noises of the animals, the leaves and the wind. Beautiful.

When did forest appear on Earth?

Forests have been around for hundreds of millions of years. Traces of what is believed to be the oldest forest have been discovered in 2009 in an old quarry in Cairo, New York, USA. In there, palaeontologists found 385 million years old fossils of a plant genus called Archaeopteris3. Before this extraordinary discovery, the forest believed to be the oldest on Earth was in Gilboa, NY, a few km away from the Cario site. The difference between Archaeopteris, which is not present in the site of Gilboa, and the plant fossils that are found there, is that Archaeopteris present a more evolved structure.

Archaeopteris had wooden large roots, a trunk, webbed leaves and a vascular system. Strong deep roots allowed Archaeopteris to colonise land further from watersheds and still be able to get water from the soil, the trunk allowed it to grow bigger and taller, the vascular system allowed for circulation between leaves and roots of gasses (oxygen and carbon dioxide), water and nutrients.  

What are trees made of?

Compared to other ecosystems, forests contain an impressive amount of biomass. Biomass is the amount of living matter in an ecosystem, the volume of bodies of all creatures. While animals make their own bodies from what they take from the food they eat, plants build themselves from the carbon of the carbon dioxide they take from the atmosphere, through the process of photosynthesis. The growth of forests in the mid-Devonian era, approximately 393 to 383 million years ago, was so important that the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere dropped drastically (relative to geological times) in consequence. The drop in Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is believed to have  strongly contributed to a significant increase in the concentration of oxygen in the atmosphere4.

Global changes

The global expansion of forests completely changed the aspect and conditions of the planet. Before forests started covering land, the more archaic forms of plants had root-like structures that gave them some stability, but were too weak to infiltrate in the rock. Bigger and wooden roots meant that plants started to modify the geology of the land, allowing water infiltration and movement of nutrients.

The weathering of some of these nutrients eventually modified the chemical composition of the ocean5. In addition, the deposition of leaves from deciduous plants increased the amount of organic material at the surface. The mix of organic and rock material contributed to the formation of thick soils. The dense root system stabilised soil, decreasing erosion and influencing the flow of water. The cover by trees fronds decreased the temperature of the soil. Together with the decreased greenhouse effect following the decrease of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, they caused the atmospheric temperature to drop to the point of starting a small ice-age. 

Everything is related

It was a period of big instability with atmospheric carbon dioxide and oxygen concentrations, temperature, soil structure and ocean levels changing drastically which caused what is known as the second massive extinction during which three quarters of all species to go extinct. at the time most species were aquatic from shallow and warm waters.  But the development of forests and changes in the ecosystems also created the conditions for life on land to develop. The first vertebrate evolved in the form of arthropods, the most common fossil found are some sort of giant scorpions. Land plants were not impacted by the great extinction and went on evolving into the beautiful trees and more that we see in our forests today.

What happened to the Devonian era forests? In geological terms, after the Devonian period comes the Carboniferous (from 358.9 to 298.9 Mya). The term carboniferous come from Latin and it means coal-bearing. Indeed some of those early forest accumulated organic matter in swamps and peat bogs, eventually fossilising into what is called coal. The formation of the first forests decreased the atmospheric carbon dioxide causing massive extinction but also the expansion of life on land,  and now the extraction and combustion of the coal originating from those same forests is dramatically increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide causing the beginning of what some believe is going to be the sixth massive extinction. Ironic.

Plant a tree. Protect the forests. We need them to relax, and so much more.



1 Hansen, Margaret M.; Jones, Reo; and Kirsten, Tocchini. 2017. Shinrin-Yoku (Forest Bathing) and Nature Therapy: A State-of-the-Art Review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 14, no. 8: 851.

2 Song, Chorong; Ikei, HHarumi and Yoshifumi Miyazaki (2016). Physiological Effects of Nature Therapy: A Review of the Research in Japan. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 13, 781. DOI 10.3390/ijerph13080781.

3 Stein, William E.; Berry, Christopher M.; Morris, Jennifer L.; VanAller Hernick, Linda; Mannolini, Frank; Ver Straeten, Charles; Landing, Ed; Marshall, John E.A.; Wellman, Charles H.; Beerling, David J.; and Jonathan R. Leake (2020). Mid-Devonian Archaeopteris Roots Signal Revolutionary Change in Earliest Fossil Forests. Current Biology 30( 3), ISSN 0960-9822, DOI 10.1016/j.cub.2019.11.067.

4 Lenton, T. M., Dahl, T. W., Daines, S. J., Mills, B. J., Ozaki, K., Saltzman, M. R., & Porada, P. (2016). Earliest land plants created modern levels of atmospheric oxygen. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America113(35), 9704–9709. DOI 10.1073/pnas.1604787113.

5 Qie, W.; Algeo, T.J.; Luo, G. and A. Herrmann (2019). Global events of the Late Paleozoic (Early Devonian to Middle Permian): A review. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 531 (Part A), DOI 10.1016/j.palaeo.2019.109259.

Why so green

On my daily run yesterday, trying to free my head from the lockdown-pandemic-social distancing thoughts, I focused my senses on the woods around me and I immediately realised how greener everything looked, compared to the day before. Obviously the change had not happened in the previous 24 hours, but until then I had been focusing more on the flowers, especially the bluebells, that are marking the unfolding of spring.

Bluebells (©Emanuela Samaritani)


The bluebells flowers have now started to pass, and the purplish ambiance has been taken over by many different shades of green that evoke the freshness and tenderness of new life. You might have learned in school that leaves are green because they contain chlorophyll, a green pigment that is able to use energy from sunlight to create sugars from carbon dioxide (CO2), releasing oxygen in the air. But why is chlorophyll green? Pigments, by definition, are molecules that give a particular colour to the tissue where they are. Biologically, a pigment is also usually involved in vital processes. Colours that we see, originate from light. When light crosses an object in its path, it can be absorbed, or reflected.

The whole spectrum of visible light is white. If an object reflects the totality of light that strikes it, it looks white, like snow. If it absorbs all the light, it looks black. When you wear a black coat in winter on a sunny day, you can enjoy the warmth of the sun on your back, because the black fabric is absorbing the energy of the sun. The different colours that we see correspond to a different wavelength at which the energy fluctuates. The smaller the wavelength, the higher the energy.

Wave length spectrum (©


If we deconstruct the visible light, by letting it pass through a prism, or droplets of water, we can see the colours that make up the visible light. It’s the rainbow. Each colour corresponds to a range of wavelengths, from the smallest violet, to the biggest red. Energy waves with bigger wavelength than red are not visible. They are infrared, then microwave, then the biggest of all: the radio waves. On the opposite side of the visible range, wavelengths smaller than the visible violet, are also invisible. First come the ultraviolet, then the X-rays then the smallest of all: the gamma rays.

Pigments are molecules that absorb light, but only at a specific wavelength, the rest of the light is reflected. Chlorophyll is green, because it absorbs blue and red light, and reflects green wavelengths to our eyes.

Woods in all its green shades (©Emanuela Samaritani)

So the chlorophyll pigment absorbs red and blue light, and reflects the green light, making it appear green. What we consider green is the reflected light between 520 and 570 nm, although in some languages and culture, there is no distinction between the names for blue and green. They are considered shades of the same colour.

Green vs. green

There are almost 300 variety of greens that we, at least some of us, are able to distinguish. The greenness of a leaf is partly influenced by the amount of chlorophyll and chloroplasts (the organelle containing the chlorophyll), which in turns is species specific. However, mostly the leaf green shade is determined by the presence and abundance of other pigments. To be able to absorb light at other wavelengths than what chlorophyll allows, and thus increase the photosynthetic efficiency, leaves usually contain carotenoids, pigments that absorb blue light and reflect yellow light, and anthocyanins, pigments that absorb in the blue-green light and reflect red light. When in autumn there is not enough light to photosynthesise, chlorophyll is the first pigment to be degraded. Carotenoids and anthocyanin pigments become dominant and leaves appear yellow, red and orange, depending on the proportion of the various pigments.

Chlorophyll also comes in two varieties called a and b. Chlorophyll a is the main one, present in all leaves of all plants. It absorbs light from orange-red to violet blue and is responsible for most of light absorption, while chlorophyll b is a booster allowing plants in darker places to maximise their photosynthesis capacity. Leaves containing chlorophyll b are darker than the ones containing only chlorophyll a.

So next time you have a stroll in the woods, have a look at all the shades of green and admire the beauty and complexity of each one of them.

Colours (©Emanuela Samaritani)


The term “biodiversity” is a portmanteau of the words biological and diversity. You might be surprised to learn that it has been coined barely 40 years ago. At the beginning of the 1980′, it was defined as simply the sum of living organisms, but a few years later the Convention of biological diversity held in Nairobi, Kenya, in 1988, enlarged the definition to include ecosystem and genetic diversity. Until then, conservation efforts were concentrated mainly on saving endangered species by protecting their habitat, but they did not consider the interactions and impact that those species have with the rest of the community in the same habitat and also with the environment.

Illustration from The hidden world of diatoms, © Emanuela Samaritani

Biodiversity and sustainable development

In 1992, the UN organised a major conference in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, called the Earth Summit. The need for this conference resulted from the realisation that sustainable development and environmental protection strategies cannot be successful without international cooperation. During the Summit the Convention of Biodiversity was signed by most members, together with the Convention on climate change and the Convention to combat climate change. Plans were made to slow the destructive trend of the ongoing century, and deadlines were set for decreasing environmental impacts by countries.

The inclusion of genetic and ecosystem diversity in the definition of biodiversity directly implies the modifications in biodiversity conservation theories, which had dramatic consequences in applied conservation strategies. Integrating the new theory shifted efforts on protecting entire ecosystems, maintaining the whole food-webs intact and protecting ecosystem functioning such as water retention in a natural floodplain, or mitigation of pollutants in pristine wetlands.

Somewhere near Yosemite National Park, California, USA, © Emanuela Samaritani

Importance of biodiversity

There are many services that the known biodiversity provides to our societies, in terms of crops, drugs, timber production, biofuels, etc. but there is also still great potential in the unexplored diversity. A good example are the many uses for which diatoms’ shells have been studied in recent years, such as replacing plastic particles in fabrics and make up thanks to their capacity of iridescence, and for the same reason their potential massive increase in solar panels efficiency. The potential consequences of these kinds of findings and research on our economy and the environment are huge and should be enough to push towards a more environmental conscious society and technology.

Estimating biodiversity

Estimating biodiversity is by far not as easy as one might think. It is not possible to actually count the number of species present in any given space. Many have tried, for example inferring the total number of arthropods in the world, starting with the actual number counted on a single tree. But the approximations needed for the calculation are quite large, from the variability of number of individual trees to the number of different tree species, to the different stages of development of the arthropods species at the time of counting. In the end, it is estimated that the number of species of higher organisms stands anywhere between 3 and 100 millions.

Illustration from The hidden world of diatoms, © Emanuela Samaritani

What about microorganisms?

Things get more complicated if we start taking into account microorganisms, e.g. protists and bacteria. Protists are organisms that have a cellular structure similar to that of plants, animal and fungi, but are made of only one cell. Bacteria on the other hand are made by one cell like protists, but with a different, simpler structure. Both bacteria and protists are unicellular and therefore difficult to observe. Until the end of last century, the only way to detect microorganisms was observing them through a microscope. It was largely accepted that because they are so small, microorganisms are able to colonise every place on earth and therefore the number of species globally would be relatively small. But in the last few decades the development of DNA sequencing technology has allowed the discovery of an unsuspected high number of species of microorganisms. It is now arguably accepted that microorganisms species are not homogeneously distributed around the world as previously thought, but rather they present high variations linked to local conditions.

The road to the discovery of total species diversity is still very long, with new species added constantly. The importance of conservation and protection of this potential diversity cannot be stressed enough.

Cibrario, Italy, © Emanuela Samaritani

Nostalgia of a time I never knew

Yesterday I experienced that beautiful feeling of excitement that comes with receiving a new book through the mail. It was a special kind of book, a reproduction of a historical book, carefully digitally reproduced, fixing imperfections, while keeping the original format. Introducing: „Faune rhizopodique du bassin du Léman“, by Eugène Penard.

I came across the reference to this book a few days ago, while researching and fact-checking for my work in progress, The hidden world of testate amoebae. The author name might sound familiar if you follow my social media, not so long ago posted a link on The hidden world of microorganisms facebook page about a website called, that shares incredible pictures of amoeboid protists. The Penard Lab, situated in Berlin, is indeed named after the Swiss biologist E. Penard.

Eugène Penard

Penard was born in 1855 in Geneva and after years of studying and teaching, in 1886 he started focusing his research on protists. During his life he described more than 530 new species of protists, many of which were testate amoebae. He did an incredible service to the scientific world, at a time when microorganisms could only be detected and described with painstaking observation of samples through a microscope. He also created approximately 900 slides, that have been recently digitalised through a collaboration between the natural history museum of Geneva, the Laboratory of Soil Biodiversity of the University of Neuchâtel and Wikimedia CH, Switzerland.

My copy of the book is a reprint, written with small font on very white paper, so not at all the same experience as to read it when it was first published in 1902. But still, reading the introduction in an old French, I started to imagine how it must have been to make science at that time.

Of course, if we really think about it, for me it would have been extremely difficult to do science at that time, being a woman from a working class family and all, but let’s forget about it for a second.


Reading the introduction I found myself imagining a time where scientists would go to libraries and read through books and papers to look for informations. They would travel to far away universities to meet the experts in their field. For a moment I had a little nostalgia of a time I never knew.


Scientists still read papers and travel to conferences to discuss science, but they do it by looking up papers in a 5 minutes key-words search, followed by maybe an hour of alpha-reading through a few papers, at the same time as they wait for some analyses to finish their run, all the while arguing on twitter with deniers and trolls, compiling reimbursement forms for their last conference trip and scheduling meetings with students. Sometimes I wonder, where is the wonder gone. Do we still have time to sit and think? To listen to somebody’s opinion without at the same time google something else and prepare our answer?


Of course, we don’t all have access to the stunning surrounding that Eugène Penard enjoyed, but if I had a say on it, I would argue that wherever we are, geographically as much as career-wise, we need to slow down, we need to appreciate, we need to have time to think, and feel, and be.

Leman Lake, Switzerland. Photo credit Erika Pamela

PS. It is highly improbable that I will ever actually use the book in the way it was meant to be used, but it’s history and it’s a book. I love books. That’s me.

Pseudopods in the bog

Testate amoebae

Testate amoebae are unicellular organisms that live mostly in the soil, mainly in wetlands and particularly in raised bogs. A very few species live in open water and are therefore part of ocean plankton.The clue is in the name. Amoebae means that their cell does not have a determined shape, and moves in a particular way, called amoeboid. It creates a protuberance called pseudopod, with which it propels itself forward. Test is the name of the shell they produce to protect themselves. The shell has a hole to let the pseudopods out, to move around or to collect food. Some species of testate amoebae produce themselves the material used to build their test. It can be organic, based on silica or calcareous compounds. Other species pick up debris or sediments from their surroundings, like for example abandoned diatom frustules, and glue them together to make the test. A few species are even able to switch between the two techniques, depending on what’s available in their environment.

When testate amoebae are extracted from soil samples, the test’s shape and size can be used to identify the different species, looking through a microscope. Although with the technological advances in genetic sequencing in the last couple of decades, it has been revealed that there is a whole lot of cryptic species1. It seems that different species look the same and cannot be identified just by their tests morphology.

Hyalosphenia papilio. Photo Credit: Nostriker. CC-BY-SA-4.0


Different species of testate amoebae form different types of pseudopods. Three main types are usually determined, called lobopodia, filopodia and reticulopodia. Lobopodia are formed of one big broad pseudopod, filopodia are slender and pointed, while reticulopodia are long and thin pseudopods interconnected. Some testate amoebae are very fierce hunters of small rotifers, ciliates, and other small protists, bacteria, and cyanobacteria. Very recently it has been discovered that there are even cases of pack hunting of nematods2. Non-hunting testate amoebae feed on diatoms, mycelia and spores of fungi.

Carnivorous or not, once the amoebae get to their food of choice, their pseudopod engulfs the particles and absorbs them through the process called phagocytosis. A third way used by a large proportion of testate amoebae to feed is the symbiosis with photosynthetic microalgae. In particular, the alga called Chlorella variabilis is very commonly found in testate amoebae in Sphagnum dominated peatlands and is thought to be responsible for a considerable amount of atmospheric carbon fixation.

Lithocolla. Photo Credit Ferry Siemensma, Microworld

The use of testate amoebae to reconstruct past environmental conditions

After testate amoebae die, their test cannot be decomposed because of its mineral origin. Much as diatoms in the water, testate amoebae are highly sensible to their surrounding environmental conditions, meaning that small shifts that might not significantly impact other forms of life have a tremendous effect on the communities of testate amoebae. This strong correlation between the type of amoebae communities and the habitat is exploited by environmental scientists to reconstruct past climatic and environmental conditions. Once the necessary combination of soil conditions associated with a particular species or community of species is determined, the identification of said community in a soil sample can be used as an indicator of that combination of conditions. It is the subject of a science called paleolimnology, where biological indicators (or chemical or physical proxies) preserved in sediments are used to reconstruct the past. Concerning testate amoebae, this link is significantly stronger in raised bogs and becomes problematic in more minerals soils. Their use as bioindicators is therefore limited to these particular ecosystems.

Ubiquitous or endemic?

Testate amoebae are classified as being part of the large group of protists. Protists are, very simply put, unicellular organisms that are structurally more complex than bacteria. They can present characteristics similar to fungi, animal or plants, but at the micro-scale of one individual cell. Because of their size, they have been discovered relatively late, with Antonie van Leeuwenhoek describing them for the first time around 1665. For a long time it was assumed that, thanks to their size, protists, and all microorganisms alike, would have the ability to reach and colonise all suitable environments around the world4. Which would make them ubiquitous. More recently, accumulating studies are pointing towards a different story. It seems that even protists might encounter geographical barriers to colonisation and develop some degrees of endemism. Distribution, biogeography and endemism are at the centre of controversy, and current large scale projects aim to get to the bottom of it…

1 Kosakyan et al. (2012). DOI: 10.1016/j.protis.2011.10.003

2 Geisen et al. (2015). DOI: 10.1111/1462-2920.12949

3 Mitchell & Meisterfeld (2005). DOI:10.1016/j.protis.2005.07.001

4 Finley (2002). DOI: 10.1126/science.1070710